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End To End
Take Your Business to the Future

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Enterprise Resource Management

Business İntelligence And Business Analytics

Business Process Management

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End To End Digitalization

Discover what you can do with the advantages of digitizing your business

Digital transformation is not only a process in which technological investments are made, but also a transformation process that includes the adaptation of new business methods. App Software Consultancy is a guidance service that aims to ensure your organizations adaptation to new technology and new business models.

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E-Flow BPM

Business Process Management

Design your processes quickly and unlimitedly with E-Flow BPM, Turkey's first No-code BPM platform, and start using them instantly.

Design all your business processes yourself, without having any code knowledge.

How Does?

One of the most important features of a No-code platform is user-friendly interfaces. However, components in most BPM applications require coding. With drag-and-drop technology on the E-Flow No-code platform, processes are designed by focusing on needs and can be reshaped according to changing business requirements.


Take control with up to date ERP, BI and BPM software.

With special solutions for small, medium and large-sized businesses, you can manage all the processes needed to grow, from infrastructure to pre-sales and after-sales services, from business analysis to budget management. Examine your data and business processes and avoid possible surprises in the future.

Our References..

More than fifty happy customers..